Promoter, Promotion, 推廣員, Model, Event, Marketing,
派傳單, 派單員, 傳單公司
Promoter, Promotion,推廣員、傳單員、活動大使、公仔人、展覽會推廣助理及展覽會倉務助理, 人力資源服務 提供人力資源 工作流程管理 培訓及管理 薪酬管理 市場
Professional Services
Our main marketing strategy to provide customers, including promoters, line management, market management, promotion and marketing services. At present, the business continues to expand in China and overseas, providing innovative and professional marketing strategies, human resource management and awareness programs target customers around the world.
Our Mission
We understand the customer's time is quite valuable, so we offer a variety of industries human resources, including promoters, flyers staff, ambassadors, hostesses, Actors, exhibitions and fairs to promote the assistant warehouse assistants, etc. one-stop shop for customers on various jobs manpower needed for customers looking to save time and manpower resources, we have experienced professionals engaged in the promotion management, from recruitment, working arrangements and salary management will be for customers to settle we have always to provide comprehensive and flexible response service for the purpose, with all kinds of different needs of customers, to provide customers with comprehensive and reliable promotion management and human resources services.
Promoter, Promotion,推廣員、傳單員、活動大使、公仔人、展覽會推廣助理及展覽會倉務助理, 人力資源服務 提供人力資源 工作流程管理 培訓及管理 薪酬管理 市場EDM, email marketing, emarketing, online advertisement, 企業電郵, 企業電郵名錄, 網上宣傳, 網上宣傳方法, 電郵宣傳,電郵推廣, 電郵推廣服務, event company
marketing company, promoter, promotion, 市場推廣, 推廣公司, 推廣員, 派傳單, 派單張, 派發傳單, promoter, promoter agency, Promoter公司, promotor, 推廣員, 產品推廣, promoter 招聘公司